Wild Oak Medicine is a Naturopathic Medicine office located in Santa Rosa, CA.
Please note, if you do not have a supplement RX in the above system, please contact the office so we can set it up for you. *Existing Patients Only
Find Detailed Instructions for the following tests:
Vibrant Total Tox
Vibrant MycoTox
Vibrant Environmental Tox
Vibrant Metals with DMSA
Total Toxin Instructional Video
Cosmetics and Home Toxin Database: Environmental Working Group’s Skin Deep Cosmetics Database
Home Mold Inspection: Sherlock Homes
Retreat Center: Body Mind Restoration Retreats
3D Breast Ultrasound: QT Imaging
Do you have multiple Charm accounts? Watch this video for instructions!
How to access your Telehealth call with your provider
How to Register for our Electronic Health Records System