Two Delightful Recipes with a Touch of Clove!

Two Delightful Recipes with a Touch of Clove!

Cloves are tiny reddish, brown, unopened flower buds that are picked by hand then dried. The flesh of the clove features an oily compound eugenol, essential to their medicinal and nutritional profile. Clove gives a warming sweetness flavor to our body. Spicing up a variety of cuisines: Russia, Scandinavia, Greece, India and China!

What is it good for? Starting in the Middle Ages, its pungent flavor was used to mask the taste of poorly preserved foods. Isn’t that interesting? This spice was not only used to trick our taste buds though, it is shown to provide antioxidants which can protect cells from future damage or strengthen cells that have been destroyed. Manganese, a trace mineral that is also found in cloves, can reduce blood sugar and support bone growth. Additional benefits such as calming to the skin, relieves anxiety, fights against germs, good for oral care, and useful for respiratory infections.

Tips- Good quality whole cloves will release oil when scratched with a fingernail. Many use ground cloves, but loses its flavor and its medicinal benefits fast. Try adding a dash of clove to your morning coffee, muffins, stir-fry, soups, & broths.

Mia Martinek, N.C.

Recipe provided by Linda Etherton

Curtis, Susan., Johnson, Fran., Thomas Pat., (2016). Essential Oils: All-natural remedies and recipes for your mind, body, and home. New York; NY.

Murray, M. & Pizzorno, J. E., (2005). “The Encyclopedia of Healing Foods”. New York: ATRIA.



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